Thursday, June 3, 2010

Worst Bathroom Experience of My Life

¡Hola! There is exactly 2 more weeks left for me in Mexico. It's so bitter sweet. I miss my family and am excited to come home, but I love Mexico and need to learn more español. But, since it is what it is. I am happy to be coming home.

Last weekend on Friday we went to a city called Izamal. Almost all the buildings there are yellow. Weird, huh? Well anyway, I was grumpy for the first hour or so there because I had the worst bathroom experience of my life. The only thing that would have been worse is if I had to throw up or go diarrhea. Anyway, so I went to the bathroom... well, before that I paid 3 pesos to use it. And I had to grab some toilet paper that was sitting on a dirty table outside the bathroom (I probably have an STD now). Then I walked into the bathroom and then ran back out when I saw a ginormous cockroach just chillin' in the middle of the floor. I didn't want to use the bathroom anymore but I couldn't get my money back and the guy I asked to kill the bug said no. Rude. So my roommate helped me get past the bug. Finally I got to the toilets, where there were no seats. I don't mean toilet seat covers, I mean seats. The toilets were man toilets. So I squatted and peed, not wanting to touch my booty to the cold, dirty non-seat. Next was the washing of my hands. I was excited to wash my hands... but what do I find? Bar soap. Dirty, nasty bar soap that at least 100 nasty hands have touched. And so the grumpiness began.

Thankfully I have an awesome roommate, Alyssa, who cheered me up and we had tons of fun.

Okay, back to where we were before the bathroom. In a little town called Izamal. In the middle of this town is this big nunnery... you know? A place where nuns live. It's been there since like the 1500s or something crazy like that. After that we went to some more Mayan ruins. These ones were tiny, and right smack dab in the middle of a town.

The next day we went to a hacienda that has a living museum. We got to look at this really old Spanish house and see the machines they used in the early 1900s to make fiber/string out of these cactus plants that grow in the area. I also found out that a Jamaica flower is actually a hibiscus flower. I drink Jamaica juice all the time here, so I've been drinking hibiscus flower juice for the past 5 weeks.

Then, after the hacienda we got on these carts and donkeys pulled us to this cave where there was a cenote (natural pool) inside of the cave. Holy crap! It was so beautiful. Yes, I swam in this one because the fish didn't come close to us. The water was clear with just a hole in the roof for light. There were bats all over the ceiling and it was an awesome experience.


  1. WOW, that Cenote sounds awesome! Will you take me there one day?
    I MISS YOU! I can't wait till you get back!

  2. Nathalie, I will totally take you there. It is amazing! P.S. I love dancing. It's so much fun!
