I'm in Houston, Texas right now. On my way home. It feels weird to be in the States again, if feels wonderful, but at the same time, I keep talking in Spanish to random people. I have so much to tell. I will start with 2 nights ago. I went over to the house of a girl in our group (her name is Lauren). Rebekah and I spent the night there. First we watched a Spanish drama movie. It was sad and cute. I went to the bathroom during the movie and guess what I saw? A moth the size of my hand. This is no exaggeration... pictures are on Facebook.
When bed time rolled around, we didn't really have a place to sleep. Lauren's roommate, Sarah wasn't home so I slept on her queen size bed. I really don't know her well enough to sleep with her but I didn't want to sleep on the floor because I was scared of bugs. Also, because I love to cuddle so much, I was afraid she would wake up in the morning with me spooning her or seat-belting her. Lauren kept telling me, "it's okay, she won't care!" but I wad super nervous. I guess I did a good job at telling my sub concience to keep to my corner of the bed because I woke up in the same spot.
Then last night (my last night in Mexico) I fell off my bed. I felt really stupid but my roommate said she never heard a thing.
The day before yesterday my roommate flushed her keychain down the toilet and then had to tell our mamá who called the plummer.
Ohhh, I never did tell you guys that I got to go to the Mérida temple. It's small, but very pretty.
Remember the parade I told you about? The small pueblo we went to and joined in their parade... well I didn't do a good job of describing just how it felt. My roommate said it very well. Just imagine a group of Asian tourists (with their fancy cameras and all) came to our city and joined in our 4th of July parade or something. Or even better, imagine that our neighborhood held a parade every year and a group of Asian touris showed up at it for to understand the culture of Californians better.
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