Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 7... The Salem Witch Museum

Okay, so the whole reason we all came to Boston was because Emily, Grace, and Katie were performing in a patriotic group. It's called Celebration U.S.A. and they were invited to perform on the 4th of July in Boston. We (as a family) decided to come to Boston a few days early. Well today was the first day that the big Celebration group arrived.

We decided to meet them all in Salem to go to the Salem Witch Museum. On the way there, in the car, Emily randomly yelled, "HOOTERS!!!!" I admit it's quite a delicious restaurant, but I didn't realize Emily loved it so much. So random. Then, Kelly noticed a place called Bunghole Liquors. I think we all peed our pants laughing. We are so immature.


So, the museum, it's a tiny museum and quite strange. I learned a little about witches, and stereotypes... nothing too special. Afterward we went to The Lobster Shanty which is a dive from that television show that Kelly watches.

After that we met the kids' group at the Gloucester House restaurant and hung out. The kids practiced a little and then went off to do a parade in the city of Gloucester.

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